Tiber at Night – Rome

Immerse yourself in Rome's nighttime atmosphere with this unique photograph of the Tiber River. This image by Benoit.Photo captures a captivating urban night scene of Rome.

Mystical nighttime view of the Tiber River in Rome, with the dome of St. Peter's Basilica visible in the background.
A photograph capturing the mystical nighttime atmosphere of Rome along the Tiber River.

Project Description

Immerse yourself in Rome’s nighttime atmosphere with this photograph of the Tiber River. The streetlights reflect off the water, adding a mystical dimension to this urban night scene. The dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, visible in the background, offers a focal point that captures the essence of Rome. This image, rich in details and nuances of light, is a true immersion in Rome at night. Available for purchase on my online portfolio.